2011_05_29 APERITIVO QUADRIVIUM - Stelle, suoni, numeri e forme

domenica 29 maggio 2011_05_29 ore 18.00
Ridotto Teatro Cagnoni
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 43 Vigevano
Stelle, suoni, numeri e forme
Note e parole con Barbara Rubin e Eleonora Bianchi
Inaugurazione Progetto Boethius
La voce di Barbara Rubin accompagnata dalle intuizioni musicali del Maestro Antonio Bologna e dalle letture poetiche di Eleonora Bianchi per il primo appuntamento dell'aperitivo Quadrivium.
Un happening culturale che terminerà con un aperitivo altrettanto artistico. Quattro cocktail: stelle, suoni, forme e numeri.
Un momento di raffinata commistione artistica in una prestigiosa ed elegante cornice.
Mattia Brunello
Tel. 0381.73967

Medium Size - Vigevano
Organizzazione di eventi culturali e promozionali, mostre, manifestazioni di architettura, arte e design, organizzazione di concorsi e premi culturali, di mostre tematiche, di convegni e congressi, eventi multimediali live o in differita.
Medium Size si avvale di esperienze professionali e competenze nel settore della comunicazione a differenti livelli di operatività.
I servizi integrati di Medium Size derivano da questo patrimonio e si propongono di offrire interventi completi e mirati al target della cultura architettonica, artistica e del design.

2011_05_28 Trionfo di Beatrice, Dante a San Dionigi

Sabato 21 maggio 2011 – ore 9.30
Auditorium San Dionigi
Piazza Martiri della Liberazione, 4 – Vigevano
Il trionfo di Beatrice
Bianca Garavelli, scelta e commento dei testi
Cinzia Bauci e Pierantonio Gallesi, drammaturgia
Adattamenti musicali, ambientazioni sonore
Antonio Bologna
Daniele Nobili e Andrea Taroppi
Installazioni pittoriche Massimiliano Robino
Ingresso libero

Un omaggio a quello che forse è il più bel personaggio dell’immaginazione letteraria di tutti i tempi.
Organizzato dall’Associazione culturale Il Circolo, con il contributo della Fondazione di Piacenza e Vigevano e il patrocinio della Città di Vigevano, Assessorato alla Cultura, si avvale della sinergia di un gruppo di giovani validissimi artisti, famosi nel loro campo a livello nazionale.
È un viaggio spettacolare nell’amore di Dante per la sua musa, Beatrice, fonte di ispirazione grazie alla quale creò il suo capolavoro, la Divina Commedia. Per raggiungere lei, dopo la sua morte in giovane età, come racconta nella Vita Nuova, Dante studia intensamente la teologia, legge molte opere che narrano viaggi nell’aldilà, e quindi mantiene la promessa che fa nell’ultimo capitolo dell’opera dell’amore giovanile: "dire di lei quello che mai fue detto d’alcuna". Dunque un amore che accompagnerà Dante per tutta la vita, dopo il primo incontro a soli nove anni, e che avrà come motivo conduttore il colore rosso del suo vestito: "nobilissimo colore, umile e onesto, sanguigno". Lo stesso colore che Beatrice indossa quando gli appare su un carro di trionfo, nel Paradiso terrestre, dopo essere scesa nel Limbo per chiamare Virgilio in soccorso del poeta minacciato dalle tre belve del male, appena uscito dalla selva oscura. Lo porta fino al Paradiso, e si rivela infine della stessa natura cosmica di quell’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle" che crea e sostiene tutto l’universo.
Lo spettacolo, basato sulle scelte e i commenti della dantista Bianca Garavelli alla Vita Nuova e alla Divina Commedia, fa rivivere questo amore attraverso un’esperienza sinestetica fatta di suoni e immagini. Sulla scena si alternano Bianca Garavelli e gli attori-cantanti Cinzia Bauci e Pier Gallesi, che curano anche la drammaturgia dell’evento. Si muovono fra le installazioni pittoriche, create da Massimiliano Robino, e le loro parole si fondono con le ambientazioni sonore di Andrea Taroppi, le chitarre dal vivo di Daniele Nobili e Andrea Taroppi, sugli adattamenti musicali di Antonio Bologna. Pittura, musica, parola, canto, movimento, investono e avvolgono gli spettatori, rendendo l’universo Dante un’esperienza del qui e dell’ora.

2011_05_21 San Dionigi convegno per il 150esimo

Sabato 21 maggio 2011 – ore 9.30
Auditorium San Dionigi
Piazza Martiri della Liberazione, 4 – Vigevano
Organizzazione Il Circolo Ducale
I problemi del dopo Risorgimento nella Storia e nella Letteratura

Ore 10,00 - Apertura Convegno
Ore 10,15 - Presentazione e saluto Autorità
Ore 10,30 - Intervento prof. Robertino Ghiringhelli
Ore 11.00 - Intervento prof. Giuseppe Lupo
Ore 11.30 - Coffee break
Ore 11.40 - Tavola rotonda con il prof. Robertino Ghiringhelli e Giuseppe Lupo
Coordina Bianca Garavelli
Ore 12.10 - Interventi e domande
Ore 12.45 - Chiusura convegno con Inno d’Italia

Nel corso della mattinata verranno letti brani di autori vari

Prof. Robertino GHIRINGHELLI - Direttore dell'Istituto di Storia moderna e contemporanea e Ordinario di Storia delle Dottrine Politiche nella facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell'Università Cattolica di Milano.

Prof. Giuseppe LUPO – Docente di Letteratura italiana contemporanea presso l’Università Cattolica di Milano e di Brescia.

SUMMER FESTIVAL il nostro Pergolesi Spontini Festival tra i grandi di europa

Grazie alla famosa rivista  www.gramophone.co.uk dedicata alla musica classica ricevo, e molto volentieri vi pubblico, l'elenco di alcuni importanti Festival estivi, molto significativo il fatto che tra tanti l'unico italiano citato sia il Pergolesi. 

Aldeburgh Festival

June 10 - 26, 2011

Aldeburgh has always had an eclectic mix of music at its heart and this year’s 64th Festival, under acclaimed artistic director and musicien exceptionnel Pierre-Laurent Aimard is no exception, from Britten Cello Suites (June 21) to Folksingers (June 23) and the CBSO with an Elliott Carter world premiere (June 26)... 

For full details: Aldeburgh Festival

Baltic Sea Festival

August 27-September 4, 2011 

The Mariinsky Theatre's guest appearance with Valery Gergiev at the Royal Opera in Stockholm is one of the highlights of the ninth edition of this annual festival themed around music, environment and leadership; the concert of Esa-Pekka Salonen and the SRSO with Viktoria Mullova and Nina Stemme is another.

Young musicians are a focus and the region's sensitive environment is featured in an exhibition by renowned nature photographer Mattias Klum. 

We also recognise that Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia celebrate 20 years of independence and honour the memory of Dag Hammarskjöld. 

Website: sverigesradio.se 
For full details: Baltic Sea Festival

Bard SummerScape

July 7-August 21, 2011 

Bard SummerScape presents seven weeks of opera, dance, music, drama, film, cabaret, and the 22nd annual Bard Music Festival, this year exploring the works and world of composer Jean Sibelius. Staged in the extraordinary Richard B Fisher Center for the Performing Arts and other venues on Bard's stunning Mid Hudson River Valley campus, SummerScape brings to audiences a dazzling season of world-class performances you won't see anywhere else. Come see for yourself why the New York Times has called Bard SummerScape "part boot camp for the brain, part spa for the spirit." 

For full details: Bard SummerScape 

Bath MusicFest

May 25 - June 5, 2011

Watch sensational music performed in beautiful surroundings at Bath MusicFest 2011. Encounter sublime solo cellist Natalie Clein, the captivating Tokyo String Quartet, remarkable Russian violinist Alina Ibragimova, a special collaboration that will see four grand pianos on the stage of Bath Abbey and much more. 

For full details: Bath MusicFest 

Beethovenfest Bonn

September 9-October 9 , 2011

61 concerts under the motto "Music for the Future"

In 2011, the Beethovenfest Bonn can look back on its long tradition, for it was in 1845 that Franz Liszt organised a three-day festival of music, the first Beethovenfest. Stars and world-class orchestras will present outstanding programmes. 

For full details: Beethovenfest Bonn 

Cambridge Summer Music Festival

July 15 - August 6, 2011

The Cambridge Summer Music Festival spans some 50 concerts, all held in the finest set of architectural spaces in the country. This year composers strongly associated with opera and the voice are central themes with Sir Thomas Allen, Dame Felicity Lott, Elin Manahan Thomas, Jennifer Johnston and Vignette Opera Productions all performing. Alongside this, we have a new jazz mini-series as well as special concerts marking the anniversaries of Liszt and Victoria. 

For full details: Cambridge Summer Music

Canterbury Festival

October 15-29, 2011 

Canterbury Festival is Kent's International Arts Festival, offering over 200 events in two weeks including the Trondheim Soloists in Canterbury Cathedral. The highspeed rail link from London to Canterbury ensures everyone can have a great time in no time. Full details and tickets available from July 25. 

For full details: Canterbury Festival 

Chester Summer Music Festival

July 1-16, 2011

Chester Summer Music Festival has a strong theme of celebrating the voice and music written for the voice, and throughout every year's festival programmes you will find major choral concerts from international and nationally known artists.

For full details: Chester Summer Music

City of London Festival

June 26-July 16, 2011 

2011's Festival brings the City to life with artists and composers from Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Highlights include esteemed didjeridu player William Barton in Southwark Cathedral (July 4) and New Zealand-born organist Dame Gillian Weir in St Paul's Cathedral (July 12). Many of the ticketed events take place in intimate and exclusive livery halls so book now to avoid disappointment. 

Website: www.colf.org
For full details: City of London Festival 

Edinburgh International Festival

August 12-September 4, 2011 

The Edinburgh International Festival is one of the most exciting, innovative and accessible festivals of the performing arts in the world, presenting the very best in classical music, theatre, opera, dance and visual art every year in August.

Festival 2011 is inspired by the vibrant cultures of Asia, with the world's finest orchestras, ensembles and soloists including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, The Sixteen, Ravi Shankar, Simon Keenlyside, Martha Argerich and the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra performing programmes of traditional Asian music and western classical repertoire, all against the backdrop of Scotland's iconic capital city. 

Website: www.eif.co.uk

English Haydn Festival

June 8-12, 2011 

Experience beautiful music performed in the historic hillside market town of Bridgnorth, with its wealth of interesting buildings and structures, including the celebrated Severn Valley Steam Railway and the steepest inland Cliff Railway.

For full details: English Haydn Festival 

Fishguard International Music Festival

July 22-30, 2011 

The Fishguard International Music Festival presents its 42nd Festival in lovely Pembrokeshire, West Wales. Hear the Orchestra of Welsh National Opera, Peter Donohoe, Orchestra of the Swan with Julian Lloyd Webber and Jiaxin Cheng, St Petersburg String Quartet, National Youth Choir of Wales....and more...

For full details: Fishguard Music Festival

Grand Teton Festival

July 2-August 20, 2011 

Grand Teton Music Festival celebrates its 50th Anniversary! Music director Donald Runnicles and the Festival Orchestra appear in concert with today's top artists including Sarah Chang, violin; Yefim Bronfman, piano; Gil Shaham, violin; Osmo Vänskä, conductor; Christine Brewer, soprano; the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and others. 

Website: www.gtmf.org
For full details: Grand Teton Music Festival 

International Chamber Music Festival, Stavanger

August 8-14, 2011 

Stavanger, on the west coast of Norway, has everything: beautiful historical venues and a truly cosmopolitan restaurant scene, surrounded by dramatic yet accessible mountains and fjords. The festival is led by world renowned clarinettist Martin Fröst and pianist Christian Ihle Hadland. 

Website: www.icmf.no

Kronberg Academy Cello Festival

September 29-October 3, 2011 

Kronberg Academy celebrates its 10th International Cello Festival in 2011. Performances by Nicolas Altstaedt, Julius Berger, Andreas Brantelid, Rebecca Carrington, Colin Carr, Alban Gerhardt, Natalia Gutman, Gary Hoffman, Maria Kliegel, Benedict Klöckner, Gidon Kremer, Kremerata Baltica, Jens Peter Maintz, Mischa Maisky, Dai Miyata, Arto Noras, Jean-Guihen Queyras, Eckart Runge, Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, Gabriel Schwabe, Bonian Tian, István Várdai, and others. In Kronberg im Taunus and Frankfurt, Germany. 

For full details: Kronberg Academy Cello Festival 

Leeds Lieder+

October 7-9, 2011 

Artistic Director : Malcolm Martineau
Guest of Honour : Elly Ameling

Leeds Lieder+ celebrates great poetry and great music in a weekend of song in many languages performed in venues around Leeds city centre. Recitals by Dame Felicity Lott, Florian Boesch, Sarah Fox, Nicky Spence, Clara Mouriz and prize-winning young artists; talk by Richard Stokes; commissioned works by Gabriel Jackson and Bryn Harrison; A Yiddish Winterreise; Messiaen: Harawi; Masterclass; Composers + Poets Forum; Discovering Lieder+ for new audiences. 

For full details: Leeds Lieder+ 

Leicester International Music Festival

September 15-18, 2011 

This year's Leicester International Music Festival will be celebrating French and Spanish music at New Walk Museum & Art Gallery. Artistic director, virtuoso oboist, Nicholas Daniel will lead an ensemble of some of Europe's finest artists including Natalie Clein (cello) and Craig Ogden (guitar). 

Lichfield Festival

July 6-17, 2011 

The Lichfield Festival celebrates its 30th birthday with an expanded programme of arts events. Highlights include the CBSO with Sir Willard White, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra with Boris Giltburg, the Tippet, Endellion and New Zealand string quartets, the Scottish National Jazz Orchestra and poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy. 

For full details: Lichfield Festival 

Lincoln International Chamber Festival

August 12-21, 2011 

Lincoln International Chamber Festival, entitled FROM PAGE TO STAGE, celebrates composers who were equally famous as performers. An outstanding line-up of international musicians will join Ashley Wass, artistic director, in six concerts hosted by some of Lincolnshire's most beautiful venues. 

Website: www.licmf.org.uk 

Lofoten International Chamber Music Festival

July 11-16, 2011 

The Lofoten International Chamber Music Festival presents every summer in the second week of July some of the finest chamber musicians and ensembles: Leif Ove Andsnes, Pavel Haas Quartet, Engegård Quartet, Fauré Quartet, Thomas Bauer, Håvard Gimse and Tor Espen Aspaas. 

New Ross Piano Festival

September 22-25, 2011 

Not just one, but two pianos and a lot of pianists!

Where else can you hear three fantastic concerts with three world-class duos playing exciting repertoire on two fabulous Steinway Ds? Sharing concerts? In one weekend? Only in New Ross, in South East Ireland. Add in solo recitals, the odd chamber work involving the said two pianos, and a friendly, intimate, small-town atmosphere, and you get the feeling that you should be there. 

For full details: New Ross Piano Festival 

Pergolesi Spontini Festival

2-18 September, 2011 

Italy, Marche region: Jesi


This year the Pergolesi Spontini Festival stages the composer's first and last "opera seria", Salustia (1732) and Olimpiade (1735), plus the highly successful La Serva Padrona. Pergolesi - who died at the age of 26, in 1736 - demonstrated a lifetime of dramatic genius in just a few years of feverish activity.

The Pergolesi Spontini Foundation has been staging Pergolesi's operas and performing his sacred and instrumental music during the Festival since 2001. In celebration of the 300th anniversary of the composer's birth in 2010, the Festival also began a project to perform his Opera omnia, which continues during the 11th season.

Prague Spring Festival

May 12 - June 4, 2011 

Every year the Prague Spring, the oldest Czech music festival, presents about 50 concerts performed by more than 1000 musicians, and regularly attended by about 40,000 people. This makes the Prague Spring Festival among the most important arts events in the Czech Republic. 

For full details: Prague Spring Festival 

Presteigne Festival

August 25-30, 2011 

Situated in a small, intimate town on the Powys/Herefordshire border, the Presteigne Festival has become a mecca for those seeking artistic nourishment and musical discovery in idyllic surroundings. This year's programme includes a survey of Lithuanian music, no fewer than eight new commissions and a 60th birthday celebration for Cecilia McDowall. 

Southern Cathedrals Festival

July 14-17, 2011 

The Southern Cathedrals Festival offers sacred choral and organ music performed to the very highest standard by the renowned cathedral choirs of Chichester, Salisbury and Winchester. The Festival offers a unique opportunity to enjoy music and to take part in worship in three magnificent cathedrals. This year's Festival is in Winchester.

Spitalfields Music Summer Festival

June 10-25, 2011 

Extraordinary early music alongside world premieres, set in some of East London's most distinctive venues, including the stunning Christ Church Spitalfields.
Featuring: The English Concert, Academy of Ancient Music, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Gabrieli Consort, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, London Sinfonietta, Arte dei Suonatori, and The Choir of Clare College, Cambridge. 

Verbier Festival

July 15-31, 2011 

Spend a musical summer at the Verbier Festival!

A picturesque resort nestling in the heart of the Swiss Alps, the greatest stars in the world of classical music, a hothouse of young talent and a multitude of free activities. These are the ingredients which make the Verbier Festival an event not to be missed. 

For full details: Verbier Festival 

Welsh Proms

July 8-16, 2011 

This year's Welsh Proms includes a fringe festival, many family events and huge orchestral performances in the Main Hall from Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Welsh National Opera.

For full details: Welsh Proms 

West Cork Chamber Music Festival

June 24-July 2, 2011 

West Cork Chamber Music Festival takes place in Bantry, County Cork. Concerts from morning to late night feature Nicola Benedetti, Irish Chamber Orchestra, Quatuor Diotima, Barokksolistene, Christian Poltera, RTÉ Vanbrugh Quartet, Robin Tritschler, Tai Murray, Brett Dean and many more. 

Wexford Festival Opera

October 21-November 5 

Wexford Festival Opera prides itself on giving new life to unjustly neglected operas, introducing artists and audiences to forgotten masterpieces through three high-quality productions which annually delight both critics and audiences alike. Also on offer is a packed programme of morning events, lunchtime concerts, afternoon ShortWorks and recitals, and late night revues.

For full details: Wexford Festival Opera 

Worcester Three Choirs Festival

Aug 6-13, 2011 

Philharmonia Orchestra
Academy of Ancient Music
Three Choirs Festival Chorus

The world's oldest and greatest choral festival at Worcester Cathedral beside the River Severn. Programme to include Elgar Caractacus, Brahms German Requiem, HandelDixit Dominus, Mozart Requiem & works by Vaughan Williams, Beethoven, Bruch & Mahler. 
Guest conductors: Sir Andrew Davis, Susanna Mälkki 

Website: www.3choirs.org