2019_02_12 The Electereo - The Complete Works

The Complete Works 

Buy Link: https://remodevico.bandcamp.com/album/the-complete-works

1. Another Worm
2. Election Day
3. Newton's Song 
4. Minimal-Garde 
5. Baroque Shit
6. Improvisation feat. Carlo Barbagallo
7. Improvisation feat. Shingo Inao
8. Le 23 e 44 
9. Fluctuations

The Electereo:
Remo De Vico, Composer and Sound Designer
Alessandro Rizzo, Composer and Sound Engineer

Other Musicians:
Piano and sensor instrument system: Shingo Inao in "Improvisation feat. Shingo Inao"
Guitar and live electronics: Carlo Barbagallo in "Improvisation feat. Carlo Barbagallo
Guitar: Mattia Biondi in "Minimal-Garde"
Saxophone: Mirko Onofrio in "Le 23 e 44"


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