2009 03 09 stage teatrali workshop

International workshop with the Russian director and teacher Sergei Ostrenko
"Performer's Physicality in the Methods of Meyerhold, M.Chekhov, Stanislavsky"

B i o m e c h a n i c s
P s y c h o l o g i c a l  G e s t u r e
P h y s i c a l  A c t i o n

dal 9 al 14 marzo 2009 a Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria

The Lab is offering five places with reduced participation fee - 295 EUR
The fee covers participation in the Lab programme, five nights of accommodation and three meals per day.


Intensive practical training, lectures, discussions. The programme is focused on the practical exploration of performer's psycho-physical instrument in the teachings of the Russian outstanding theatrical innovators - Vsevolod Meyerhold, Michael Chekhov and Konstantin Stanislavsky. The Lab is open to performers interested to explore the principles of Biomechanics, Psychological Gesture and Physical Action, to gain a deeper understanding of psycho-physical approach in contemporary performer's training and its application in practical work - rehearsal process, performance and teaching.

Each morning before breakfast will begin with the warm-up based on the principles of Biomechanics. Participants will be learning one of Meyerhold's etudes. The warm-up will help to wake up the body, imagination and to prepare for the intensive practical work during the day.

Practical sessions develop in the form of various exercises which progress from simple to compound.
Gradually the group is proceeding to group improvisations and structures. Every day is setting advanced creative tasks, developing the preceding steps. Through the system of consecutive exercises the group is growing common language and trust, ability to collaborate and create together.
Practical training. Part I. Training by method of improvisation.
Practical training. Part II. From exercises to performance.

Theoretical Part: lectures and discussions.
Performer's Physicality in the methods of Meyerhold, M.Chekhov and Stanislavsky.


To apply for participation, candidates should send CV/résumé with photo and a letter of motivation stating the dates of the event to Michael Cooperman, Project Coordinator globtheatre@gmail.com
If you applying for the reduced participation fee, please include the request in your cover letter.

The Lab will take place in the beautiful castle in Leitring bei Leibnitz, the picturesque town located within 30 minutes from Graz Thalerhof airport, 2,5 hours from Vienna by car, 40 minutes from Graz by car, and 20 minutes from the Slovenian border.

Lab web page http://www.artuniverse.org/projects/russian.theatre.tradition.php

Photo Gallery of the previous events:http://picasaweb.google.ru/globtheatre